By Abdisalam Mohamed Mahdi                     


ince the state establishment in 1998, Puntland had ruled four presidents and the fifth currently president of Puntland is Said Abdullahi Dani, who have still a mandate less than one year, despite the only thing that they were same is for coming up under the parliamentary system. Let's bring back 2009, where the election held in Garowe is made up the president of Abdirahman Faroole, competed with him a candidate named Ilkajiir. The last round of the presidential election Farole defeated on one Vote by him.

Almost the past 10 years, the aspiration of ensuring Democratic elections in Puntland had been gradualist progressing, but the aspiration seemed could engage, after when both cabinet and parliaments were approved the constitution. Puntland constitution mentioned in Article two, The name and the system of the Government.  
States that " Puntland is an independent Regional Government of Somalia based on the system of idea sharing, democracy and multi-party system" (Puntland Constitution Book).

Democratic elections haven't been the first attempt right now, Let's look back to the background of it, when Puntland ruled by Abdirahman Sheikh Faroole, that time Faroole had nominated the first Electoral Commission in Puntand, on 17-July-2011, a meeting was coming together all nominated members of the commission at Puntland State University (PSU) was elected Chairman and deputy chairman. Mohamed Hassan Barre was elected as a chairman while Huseen Mohamud Soofe elected as a deputy. After election, the swear vocation took place at same place where the president of Puntland Dr Faroole attended there to being a witness.

Due to the several obstacles and lack of good support from the political stakeholders not succeeded to achieve Democratic elections program.
Furthermore, the perspective to the transition powers among fewer clans based on conflict of interest might being strengthen and it caused violence in Qardho and Galkacyo during the registration of Voters, where been lost their lives some of police officers included General chief of Puntland police army and some civilian protesters with their gunners against the election.

Whereas the political analysts tells that the most factor rushed the failure is when the mandate of the Government expired, it has gone to a one year of extension. This would be lost the society's confidence and created doubtful between opposition parties and the government.

After a while, of political instability the mandate is running out. And ultimately bring back to the old system that based for clans, which traditional elders have the most determination for the society representatives.

On 8-Feb-2014, parliamentary Presidential election held in Garowe had elected Dr Abdiweli Ali Gas, Former Prime Minister of Somalia in 2011. He defeated one Vote to the president's expired his term Mr. Abdirahman Faroole, who has eagerly candidate to lead his second term. It was the hardest competed election in history has ever been held in Garowe, puntland, Somalia.

Gas, the only opportunity he has for now and is vary to former president Faroole is having legitimate authority to rule five years consecutive in puntland, due to the allowance of the constitution.

Unfortunately, Prof Gas has step forward the roadmap followed by the former president Faroole, that eventually lead him failure and impeded to create political legacy. Nevertheless, huge challenges met him; the mainly one was lacks fund support from international community which likely often interested Democracy issues.

On-going Democratic local Council elections in Puntland, Somalia.

Since at the moment was elected by Said Abdullahi Dani on highest position of Puntland, immediately started the execution plan on his eight pillars of election campaign. One of is implementation of one man vote in Puntland. After months of his mandate nominated Electoral Commission which contained eight members included male and female. The commission's meeting resulted to elect Guled Salah Bare as a chairman and Abdirizak Ahmed Said as a deputy chairman.
The commission have been launching early on the execution plan to fulfill their responsibilities and enabled to do hugely task with short-term.

In addition to that, the Society's desire towards transformation to the democracy program also was an urgently needed.
Bringing together it and the concentration of stakeholders made being enthusiastic the preliminary election in the three districts Qardho, Eyl and Ufayn.
Preliminary election that took place in three districts Qardho, Eyl and Ufayn were participated all the associations except one known it Youth Association whereas they are.
1) Kaah Association (from the government)
2) SinaaniyoCadaalad Association
3) Run iyo Cadaalad Association
4) Ifiye association
5) Mideeye Association
6) Horseed Association
7) Shaqaalaha Association
8) Mustaqbal Association

On the Overall majority result voters from these three districts were being as this, kaah has 1st, Mideeye has 2nd while Sinaan iyo cadaalad has earned 3rd position.

The oppositions Association joined together particularly Mideeye and Sinaan iyo Cadaalad, that's what would have brought the failure of kaah Association within the mayors of districts Qardho and Ufayn.
Instead, those two mayors are coming from those opposition associations.
In Qardho mayor came from Kaah Association and his deputy came from Sinaan iyo Cadaalad while Ufayn is Vice-versa. While Kaah found as majority the Mayor of Eyl district.

Overall platform of the election was un-Imaginable situation indicated by the civilization, desire and enthusiasm. It was free and fair election and it congrats and complimented to Somalia by the International community, US embassy, and other friendships. Although, theirs existed massively understandable and low consciousness towards significant of the elections in Puntland.

Recent weeks, voter's registration has concluded in several Provinces, those are Bari, Karkaar and Gardafue. Although some of the Associations have repudiated how the process of the election is ongoing. After Conference's associations occurred in Martisoor Hotel disclosed an inclusive statement on 13 conditions needed to Improve before the election. Mainly are Formulating Supreme Court, pushing back time of the registration and converting close list to open list. Most of them, the government were ensured precisely, although some of the Associations were being not accepted yet. Now we will keep an eye what's next.

Should Puntland right now readiness to execute 1M 1V Elections?

Referring us to the pre-information regarding voter's registration in Bosaso, tells the number is so less than the expectations, by reasoning jointed inconvenience caused which are lack of Understanding and little awareness, Poor security some of registration centers, messages from the political forums and some of elders against the election.

By measuring at the maturity level, puntland it deserves to do, whilst the societal passionate towards free and fair election is high.
According to opposition's claim to the 1M 1V system, they accused and blamed to the regime should haven't enough time to make a progress for this, otherwise they criticized, that the government aims just mandate expansion or it desire just special tensions.

Puntland opposition forum has united politicians, whom had members of expired regime of Nabad iyo Nolol and Some of puntland elites from ancient systems. This forum has released out a press in several times and presented cautions about the election.

Bringing together all of these may damage the processes effectively and efficiency. Although election may need to be justified in terms of initiation.

How would the On-going elections effect on the Economic and political activity?

In case of Employment creation for youth, it would be a massively opportunity for youth, who may not chance to serve their people and it helps to access experience and career skills. As the chairman declared in the launching occasion about the registration of Voters in Bari, Karkaar and Gardafui that held in Bosaso, Particularly East Africa University Main Hall.
" Mission of voter's registration would be create an employment opportunity more than 600 youth across in Puntland."
Otherwise, President Dani remarked at the event where exhibited the past four year's accomplishments, and what will plan to do his last year and pointed the election ""it's the biggest project which has ever been remember in the history in Somalia, by regarding the number of stakeholders in this project, in terms of employees, security officers, and Voters.""

By leveraging all kind of stakeholders in the election, districts may increase their economic activities. For instance, hotels, bars, cafés, resorts all might double to their revenues.

By implementing this program will lead to make a progress towards peace and good governance. No longer time for few clans, whom have been oppressed to the others or minority groups.

In Somalia's system of government has been just based on federalism for a while. Puntland was a pioneer for this, and would become the role model of both federalism and democracy program for the entire Somalia. Furthermore, thereafter it would be beautiful phenomena that will shape the future of Somalia.

By ensuring Democratic plan in Puntland will lead to raise up the projects from international community or friendship governments among Somalia, either Humanitarian or development projects.
As he believed Mr. Juxa, Puntland Minister of Interior, federalization and democracy affairs.


Democracy election program is the only thing that could reunite all Somali societies, but it needs more commitment to engage 1M 1V Election. On the side of public Employment, it may reduce Favoritism and Nepotism.

Extremist groups or terrorist is the main challenge that would be face down to ensure democracy elections in Somalia entirely. Resulted to that may become unachievable optimistic. Although may exist additionally, such boarder conflict among regions and districts as recent as occurred in Puntland local Council elections and yet hasn't solved.

Eventually, I recommend all stakeholders should've support this ongoing Democratic process to realize political stability, and Economic well-being for entire somalia.

Thank you for your reading.


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